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I thought the purple and black gave a more poisonous feel. But other than some colour changes and making them more thicc, I couldn't really think of any other changes - if you can think of anything else to add or change. Im open to suggestions :)




I love how the deprived versions are slightly more intimidating but still more sexy in a way 👌👌


Hmmmm i think you should make them look alittle more fungi like than human tbh but the different shroom colors are perfect


Hmmm… A dangerous game to play… But it will be worth it

Jr Paul

One thing I really like is how the deprived versions feel like they are more dangerous but also sexy, the only thing I can think of here is maybe make her more mushroomy! Other than that I love it


Hmm I think the purple and black works really well to represent depravity tbh, nice choice 👍🏼

Giulio Tavano

I love that goth shroom 😍

King Julien XIII

Maybe the purple/black version has a special attack or a special defeat animation?


Appreciate the suggestion! So Stronger enemies will have an additional move as well as stronger stats compared to the regular versions :)