Gift of Hedone WAS going to be a Unity 2D Game (Patreon)
Hello you beautiful Deviants,
Some of you may be aware, some of you may not - but recently Unity has come under fire due to their egregious new pricing Model.
Unity Announcement/Update In short, Unity will be charging games based on installs once certain thresholds are reached. So whilst they claim that will only effect 10% of Unity Dev's that 10% is likely providing jobs to most the Unity Developers. It also heavily discourages wanting to succeed, and they have not proven that they have solved piracy, or fraudulent installs. Bad-willed people could set up fake installs essentially bankrupting developers.
No real surprise this has happened as the current Unity CEO is Ex-EA CEO one of the greediest men alive.
Upper Echelon does a great video about the situation here
But as of now, I will likely be moving to Godot Engine - but am exploring my options, fortunately I am early on in development, but there are a lot of Developers who are hurting right now as they are quite deep into the actual development in Unity.
Even if Unity back track, the damage has been done