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Stuck in bed with this lovely haul of goodies. On the bright side, I’m watching twitch in bed in between snoozes. I obviously have a bunch of content here on Patreon but sadly the new posts are on hold for the time being. Before I got too bad (or when I thought I was better) I managed to record buffy so I need to edit that and post but I have nothing else recorded if memory serves. This is a self employed persons nightmare but there’s genuinely nothing more I can do other than sleep it off and take meds. I will be back as soon as I can guys. Promise! Xx




Hey Dakara, hope you get better soon


So sorry you got the crud! What's up with your immune system girlie? Auntie here is now ordering you to start taking a bit of zinc every other day or so. Along with all the other stuff I'm sure you're doing. I hope you feel better soon. Not because of reactions, but because I do care. Besides, I'm waaaay behind on watching reactions these days. Crappy internet and life interceeds. Take care!