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Hi all; happy Memorial Day to the folks living in America!

Today's audio has been delayed, and will be coming out on Wednesday instead. The binaural audio, in addition, will not be releasing this month. There will be a preview at the end of the month for the Deserving/$19.69 tier & up, and the full audio will be released in July.

The reason for this is I had some irl events happen recently that were unexpected and very, very stressful. I've been trying to continue as usual in the meantime, but that hasn't been very productive. So, I'll be delaying those audios to give myself time to deal with these life events.

I already am doing a break in June (a reminder post about this was made at the beginning of the month, & it's also in the welcome post), so I'll be using that to rest & recover mentally.

Oh, & comms for May are still on-schedule--Patrons who ordered one will receive theirs by the end of this month.

Thanks for your patience everybody. Looking forward to Wednesday! <3


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