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The poll for this month is CLOSED, & though it took a bit longer than expected I've tallied the results! Like with August it's awesome seeing who you folks are hyped to see. :3

Now, the results! As mentioned in a previous announcement I'll only be making audios for 1st & 2nd place this month:

1st Place - Honey, the dommy mommy pred!
2nd Place - Bea, the CEO pred!

The results were SUPER close this month, with 1st & 2nd place only having a single vote difference, & the 3rd & 4th most voted characters also only being a single vote away from placing higher. So yeah, every vote counts!

Please look forward to those audios, as well as the writing & lil vore game I'll be working on in the coming weeks too. (Once again please see this recent announcement post for info if you missed it. :3)

Thanks so much everyone! Already I'm feeling good about what this month will bring. <3


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