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What is GOOD Skelefam??

Been a wild month but I got a few things to talk about

First, I'll be streaming this month's UDUG episode live in the discord tomorrow at 6pm PT. The topic was 90's video game commercials and I figured this would be a great thing to do with the community. I have a bunch already picked out but I'd love to watch suggested commercials, especially one's I haven't seen before from other countries! Because one thing binds us all, the 90's were weird all over the globe! So join me in the discord tomorrow if you're available!

Next, there's been some kinda big Zeebo news - Tectoy is making a comeback and launching a portable PC called the Zeenix, which is a portmanteau of Zeebo and Phoenix. You know how I know this? Because I recently had an interview with the CEO of Tectoy and their new Head of Gaming Products! This was all officially unveiled on the 22nd but I've been in touch with them since the week prior. Apparently they're fans of SSFF and really liked the Zeebo videos. What this means is I'm going ahead with a final Zeebo video now that I have lots of corrections and follow-up info in the comments from Zeebo and Tectoy devs, plus lots of movement with Zeebo emulation, and now a legit follow up device! I'd already started this project before so a lot has already been done!

I've been busy working on the 16-Player Faceball 2000 documentary and I've developed a production flow of shooting it at my desk in a vlog style but making it look professional as possible while still being easy to quickly set up and shoot (and still tightly edited with game and b-roll footage). I'll be filming the next Zeebo video in that style, it'll look a little different (and using a different camera) but should still be high quality, 

This is a shot from a lighting test that hasn't been color corrected or reframed at all. I don't intend on this being the new normal for videos, it's just that the Faceball and Zeebo Corrections projects are going to be a lot of me talking to the camera (Faceball especially is literally my story haha) and this is just the most convenient and quickest way to shoot and reshoot for them.

Also, a health update! I'm getting surgery! I've been to two Ears Nose and Throat doctors, gotten CT scans and like I suspected, my sinuses are hella swollen up with a deviated septum and pockets of gunk blocking everything up. It's an issue I've had my whole life, but it's developed into a constant string of sinus infections this year (and a miserable month last year). I've been getting allergy shots for 2.5 years, been taking acid reflux meds for 3.5 years, and changed my diet to get my gut right, now it's time to clean out the top section! One thing I've learned in my 40 years on this earth is those weird things you think are a problem when you're younger don't magically fix themselves when you get older! I haven't made the appointment just yet, but the procedure is same-day and only a 2 week recovery. Maybe I'll do a UDUG with my splints still in my nose haha that EXCLUSIVE content you paid for! And then maybe I wont always sound a little stuffy in my VO anymore!

Ok that's it for now, I'll see you all tomorrow on discord! Take care!

Uncle Derek


Eric Pasterson

It's crazy because I just got the date set today for my sinus surgery, not till January, but all very similar to what you were going through. Wishing all the best, can't wait for everything in the works, definitely will be here tomorrow!


They made it seem like I wasn't going to have to wait that long! I need to call to schedule and make sure insurance it cool with it too. Best of luck to you too!

Richard Williams

Stay powerful, Uncle Derrick! Seriously tough, wishing you the best of luck with your surgery!! Hope it goes as smoothly as possible and of course looking forward to all the new stuff!

Richard Tango Taylor

After the stream will it be made available to people who cant make the stream live?

Robert McSwain

This episode and the future projects sound awesome, particularly knowing that the Zeenix is coming out. I've really been enjoying watching Matt McMuscles' videos on Video Game Ads so this will be a lot of fun!


Oh man, I had a similar issue almost a decade ago. Felt so much better after the surgery. I hope yours brings similar relief.

Thomas Monteiro

Good luck with everything dude 👍🤘


I just looked at the Zeenix. That is a rebranded Loki, I think from AYN. The Loki Zero is one of the cheapest available portable PCs. Maybe they'll do something fun with it though, like make a launcher or a Linux distro like Valve.