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Brandon Bianco

Nice, you’ve begun watching Seinfeld! Iconic show.

Benjamin B

Yesss very hyped for this reaction. Season 1 kind meh but after that it's all uphill.

Brian Rogers

I've been wanting to say this for a while: In your intros it sounds like you are saying "Hello, there. Desire the Geordie Nerd."

tony hotaling

Starts a little weak but definitely gets amazing, maybe the best sitcom ever


Like others have said, the first season isn't great, but it becomes one of the GOATs by the end. Hopefully you'll stick with it longer than Community. I really think you gave up on that too early. Would also be great if you could go back to Bob's Burgers as well.

Derek Jones

I just finished binge watching Seinfeld the other day lmao

Spencer Thurmond

So pumped you’re starting this show! My personal top 3 favorite shows…The Office, Seinfeld & It’s Always Sunny…now you’re 3 for 3 Geordie! ❤️

Brian Rogers

In the original script, the weird guy was called Kressler. From episode 2 onward, he is Kramer. He's one of the four core main characters.


I forgot how bad the standup routines in the show are. Thankfully they become much less prominent after a while. In my recent rewatch I just skipped past the opening standup bit in every episode.


It gets much better. It takes a couple of seasons before they hit their stride