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Lee Dellbridge

Sunny! It's been a while. Personally I feel this episode is quite weak on finales until the final act. So beautiful.

Ryan Herman

Im maybe the only person who loves most of this episode but Im not the biggest fan of the dance. But that isn’t for me so that’s fine. BUT when Frank says “I get it” that hits me. Every. Time.

Russian Paul

i'm gay and i always hated this episode. it's not funny or well written, the bloody nose thing with frank was already done in a previous episode and here it's so forced but it's basically the only joke they have aside from cricket's minor appearance. yea the dance....look it's beautiful sure and if it really touched people that's nice. for me personally it felt super ham-fisted overy sentimental corny frank's "i get it". it's just not sunny. and people say that's the twist in itself but i don't buy it. i think this was an ego production, look at my amazing body transformation look at me doing this amazing dance and hey i'm signaling what a great LGBT ally i am (maybe a little but of subtext being how politically incorrect the show was once. now that they're deeper into the hollywood scene could be some virtue signaling but that could be me reading too much into it) either way gay mac sucks. as satire it worked so much better having him be in denial. not a fan of where they took his character

Mike Williams

I really like the dance. It honors both his struggle with being gay and how important it was for him to see God as vengeful. It may not be funny but it was true.

Jon Masnari

I'm going to give them this one episode with a chunk that had nothing to do with Sunny. As a thanks for the great content they've produced. Thankfully, they haven't done anything like this since. It just felt like a random bit inserted in the episode with nothing to do with Sunny at all. I'm sure the dance was impressive, but it just wasn't Sunny.

Enigma Rising

I personally loved this episode because it is kinda of a resolution on Macs sexuality and Sunny always had a positive resolution for the LGBTQ community (Carmen’s ending) so I personally liked it and find it nice that it was just like a one time thing for them regarding a dance scene like that


I've been told by gay men that they can have sex with women, like they're able to, they just want to be with men. One gay Pledge (From my co-ed Fraternity) drunkenly joked/threatened to Superman me one night, after a party.