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Next Drawing & General Direction

  • More action (sex, masturbation, etc) 20
  • More hyper sized content (e.g. bus sized dicks) 31
  • More casual content 9
  • More art of characters I haven't drawn before (this year) 3
  • More art of the 1-A girls 2
  • More growth (which will probably be What-if pictures/sequences) 18
  • More variation in pairings/groups (mixing between 1A girl, 1B girls, pro heroes, etc) 9
  • 2022-12-13
  • —2023-06-13
  • 92 votes
{'title': 'Next Drawing & General Direction', 'choices': [{'text': 'More action (sex, masturbation, etc)', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'More hyper sized content (e.g. bus sized dicks)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'More casual content', 'votes': 9}, {'text': "More art of characters I haven't drawn before (this year)", 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'More art of the 1-A girls', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'More growth (which will probably be What-if pictures/sequences)', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'More variation in pairings/groups (mixing between 1A girl, 1B girls, pro heroes, etc)', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 13, 18, 33, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 13, 18, 30, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 92}


For the next piece I want to try drawing Jirou and Momo cuddling on a couch for Christmas. Someone on discord suggested this and I really liked it, so I'll give it a try

For future drawings I'd like to know what you'd like to see more of or what you think  has been lacking lately. This poll is more for me to see the general opinion and direction of my art



Hyper casual art of characters you haven’t done before? 🤔


Casual where their bodies are getting in the way of what they're trying to do 😎

John Howard

I literally clicked all of them, however there are some characters I’d like to see more of.


Would be interesting to see other types of what-ifs growths and changes. Like a non-muscle Ochako, uber hyper Kyoka or a mini-GTS Tsuyu. Just to name some examples.


More hyper/growth stuffs like your old 2B set, still an absolute fav of yours ^^


Good ideas! Might do some polls about that in future where we can go ham on all the fun stuff we would miss out on in MFA. Mini-GTS Tsuyu is actually a thing I though about a few times before haha. I still wonder what that would look like :D


I definitely want to come back to doing more hyper stuff again (or at least more than no hyper stuff haha). Growth might be more rare and disconnected from the content I try to incorporate into my MFA world ^^'