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The art character suggestion is now closed, I will start putting them into a Voting Poll, thank you for all your suggestions!

You can submit one character from any media of choice or an OC. If only one person submits a character It will automatically win with no poll. I will poll up to 4 characters max, so not everyone's characters might have a chance at making It through, this number could change in the future however. I will not draw any characters or themes that go against my commission blacklist.

Refer here to see what kind of things I do not want to draw.

Please give me the characters name and what they're from just so they are easier to find for me. You can also submit your OC if you want but I'll need to be sent a reference photo so I can show everyone else what they look like when the voting poll is up.

The winner of the voting poll will get a full size piece of art with bonus versions.

That's all, please have fun and thank you so much!



Ruri, from Crush Crush please ^_^


Let's gonwith shadowheart from BG3 please