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You probably all know the “weirdness” of workshops in Bannerlord. They have levels, but they are not upgradable. They are expensive, but not making enough money. They are not manageable. They took away from you in a random war that your kingdom declared to etc. 

So to resolve this, and add a bit of depth into this mechanic, I created a simple mod. With this mod

- You can manage your inventory, add input items you brought from distant lands, or tell your workshop not to sell the items so that you can utilize them in different ways or load it to your caravan and sell it yourself.

- You can upgrade your workshop to increase output for more profit

- You can keep ownership of workshop during wartimes - however, settlement owner will confusticate all of your profits during wartimes. 

- You can observe AI lords running workshops for better and stable clan financial wellbeing. You can also see effects of keeping your relationship good or bad with lords during the workshop negotiations. 

You can download now from this link:




Let me know if you encounter any bugs/problems in Discord bug-reports section



hi, i have crash when i enter new or old game newest steam version of game. Exception information Type: System.MissingMethodException Message: Nie odnaleziono metody: 'TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.IMbEvent`2 TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.get_WarDeclared()'. Source: ButterWorkshop CallStack: at void ButterWorkshop.ButterCampaignBehaviors.ButterWorkshopCampaignBehavior.RegisterEvents() at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.CampaignBehaviorManager.RegisterEvents() at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnNewGameCreatedInternal() at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnNewGameCreated(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter) at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, out GameTypeLoadingStates nextState) at bool TaleWorlds.Core.GameType.DoLoadingForGameType() at void SandBox.SandBoxGameManager.DoLoadingForGameManager(GameManagerLoadingSteps gameManagerLoadingStep, out GameManagerLoadingSteps nextStep) at bool TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.DoLoadingForGameManager() at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GameLoadingState.OnTick(float dt) at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(float dt) at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick_Patch1(Module this, float dt) i can send u html error if u want on email or something


is there any difference between the patreon versions and those uploaded to the nexus?


For some of them, yes, there are some difference. For those that are uploaded on nexus, I would suggest using Nexus version since it's always the most up-to-date version. Because usually I get more feedback on nexus, hence they get more refined updates and bug fixes later on.

Joel Saunders

Awesome - very excited about this one 🙏