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Okay, it is long past time for me to thank all my patrons for the support. Each and every one of you is just awesome! I never thought my work would be that popular or that so many people would like it that much. I actually planned to do a patron special for each reached milestone but sadly I didn't find the time to do so and you are way too fast for me anyway. >_<

I say it again. Thank you so much for everything!

The next point... all limited slots are taken now and I was asked to open new ones or remove the limit. Maybe you ask yourself why there is a limit at all for the "raffle" tiers. Well the reason is to guarantee a minimal % chance to win.

My question for you is now, would you mind if I remove the limits? Maybe only remove it from the $5 tier and raise it for the $15? I'm open for ideas and don't forget you can suggest anything at anytime. =)



Going to have to remove the limits on at least one of them, otherwise that $1000 goal is along way away.


well first off, congrats on your patron EXPLODING and getting everything sold out, have you considered making a $20 a month option so we can vote on what we see next. ex would be if you put up a vote for next animation either dog, horse, human, gangbang. and make that one unlimited so you could have as many votes as possible, I know I'd upgrade my patreon to that :)


also have you considred putting up ALL of your animations on patron for us to see instead of having to go to rule34 where everytime i click on an image my spyware tells me it blocked an attack.....


I'd recommend removing the limits for at least the $5 tier, higher tiers can be more exclusive if you'd like. Please share your complete works too if possible, getting the BT Sync key is a real awesome incentive :) Keep up the good work!


You mean the old stuff? There is a BT sync key for all of my work: BKXUW6ON2PZEHFGSVCOBFCBKWUUOCF3YH I recommend to download it once completely to have everything and then only use the early acess key so you don't download the newer stuff twice.


So instead of a raffle we have votes for this one now? Sounds good actually.


how about a raffle entry per $5 instead? like lets say $5 tier get 1 entry but $15 tier gets 3 entries per month.


I'm going to open a few more slots to make this goal easier to reach. Still collecting more ideas though.


I would also recommend removing the cap on the $5 tier. I’m one of those supporters and personally would not mind sharing the raffle with more. Keep the other tier for what they are as a thank you for your early supporters.


s-so many gifs....theres some i've never seen before....this patreon is worth every penny


yes combine the raffle and one entries per $5 and for the higher tiers have like a vote for a animation. This way the higher tier get an exclusive vote for next animation and everyone has a chance to win a random drawing. Lets everyone have a chance at raffle and gives a exclusive votes + more chance to win raffle to higher tier patrons.


First of all, thank you for making and sharing your animations. They're of great quality. I found you through e621 and decided to chip in a bit to help towards the 1k goal :) Take it easy and think things through. It's not difficult to find people willing to send you some money for the quality of porn you can make. It's better to politely decline donations if you feel like you can't keep up your promises than to have an angry mob of thousands of people bitching and moaning about all the exorbitant promises you're hard-pressed to fulfil :P Cheers, and good luck with your work. EDIT An actual suggestion here: How about making the lowest tier reward the "early-access" tier? Have the animations available one or two days before the general public. It can't be longer since somebody is bound to post it anyway, but it would be a small "thank you" for a small donation. That way, it can be unlimited and people sending you money will feel it's worth something.


No. He means the $5 level gets 1 raffle ticket, $10 gets 2 raffle tickets, $15 gets 3 raffle tickets, etc. So every $5 spent is an additional ticket for the monthly raffle.