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Hey everyone!

This is an incredibly different map to our usual releases. We've built an example maze here, but we've also provided you all with the option to build a completely custom maze or puzzle with 1-4 screens! You can either edit these in image editing software like Photoshop or just drop each tile into your VTT software and move them during the game!

With the map assets, we've used the circular tiles for teleporters and the crosses as traps or obstacles, but you can use them however you like in your games!

We also thought a fun idea for these maps would just be a landing screen for your games! Perhaps your players are building their own Cyberpunk HQ and they could start with 1 screen and improve the base with additional screens as the campaign progresses.


Get your battlemaps from the links below!

Cyber Maze $1 Rewards

Cyber Maze $5 Rewards Gridded

Cyber Maze $5 Rewards Gridless

VTT Files Master Post - Usually arrive 4-5 days after release


Here are the variants we made for this map:
