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Hi everyone :)

This was suggested way back in February in our Sci-Fi Suggestions discord channel. We loved the idea and so did the majority of you since it was also one of the most highly voted options in our map poll too!

We wanted to make this a complex layout, with lots of ways to hop around in this now flooded paradise. There's several routes around the rooftops, abandoned trains and collapsed highway, so you can set up some interesting dynamic battles here.

We hope you all enjoy it!


Get your battlemaps from the links below!

Remains of Advanced Society $1 Rewards

Remains of Advanced Society $5 Rewards Gridded

Remains of Advanced Society $5 Rewards Gridless

VTT Files Master Post - Usually arrive around a week after release


Here are the variants we made for this map:



Sleepy Tomes

Love these post-apocalyptic maps. Would be cool to see pre-apocalypse versions for time travel!


*squints* are the turtles still on the Lava map? Lava Turtles! Isn’t the post apocalypse amazing

Chris Barrett

It looks like this wasn't added to the VTT files master post? (At least so far, 2 weeks after this post.)