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Hi everyone!

We hope that this map is quite self explanatory. We have a maw, and it's a scary one! Rather than just creating a tooth riddled pit to push your worst enemies into, we wanted to create the added danger of being snatched up by this abomination's fleshy claws and serpent-like limbs.

We'd really love to hear how this gets used in your games too! Hopefully it's a real challenge for your party.



Czepeku Tokens

If you were thinking of signing up for our tokens. We have 6 days left of our 66% discount tier availability. On the 1st of October we'll be going live with 50 fully customisable tokens!


Get your battlemaps from the links below!

The Maw $1 Rewards

The Maw $5 Rewards

VTT Files Master Post - Usually arrive around a week after release


Here are the variants we made for this map:
