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:3 yay new season


AT4 1+2

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Hassan Ali

Does anyone know if Alicia reacted to one piece on stream?

Felix Rojas V.

This is the season made me fall in love with series

Blooocki :3

24:40 well there are different red herrings to pick up on. At least I haven't heard your guess yet. So you're either extra smart or extra doofus. Choose wich one you'd like. ❤️

Usually Shalune

I love the Flame Princess episode. I get liking them together. Though I read it, in this episode, as a metaphor for a toxic relationship. Not just because of the pain, but because Finn tries to just act like it's not an issue. His first reaction to her hurting him isn't to find a solution, but just "I can take it".


And we have the grabels!

Kent Peters

Trying to guess the theme of grable episodes is a fool’s errand. They only get more esoteric from here.

Ranginald Vagel

Alicia being a water elemental is new lore



Sam Smith

If Finn actually tried to research a solution they would have remembered the flame shield spell that flambo cast on Jake. These two could have dated without issue but what are you gonna do.

sebas hernandez

I never get that question right, it does not matters how many times I see the second episode 😭

Sam Marsh

Truly Alicia is the most powerful water elemental to ever live.

Easy Mode - A.I

he has no idea how to act, she has no idea how to act. they can't work but they have no idea they can't work. I hope this doesn't ruin the show for you but.... you wanna look at the writing as something akin to Chris-chans Sonichu.

gamer cental 23

Did they ever state how long flame shield would last I don't think they did


The gems on Flame Princess make her look like a Gem from Steven Universe.