Dingy no More! White Doors & Arches (Patreon)
2018-08-31 00:46:13
2018-10-02 18:47:11
Sometimes my OCD wins and today was one of those days... <figure></figure>
This recolour set includes 16 base game interior doors and 6 arches. As you can see from the before and after image below, the EA original “white” doors are more of a dingy grey... So I took it upon myself to address this problem. Each door comes with three different hardware options because—you guessed it— OCD.
Each of the single doors comes in the matching glass version too. I forgot to take screenshots of the Prairie doors and the two-panel double doors but they’re included as well :)
Downloads ⬇️
As always, my CC is available on SimFIleShare (no adfly ever!)