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As mentioned in my teaser post, this month includes an assortment of maxis match items I've wanted for my game. By now, you know I really like things to match so I hope you find these items as useful as I do.

The Get Together items include all the original game swatches but they come in my favourite roof patterns. I've always wanted to use these objects but often the pinky-red roofs just didn't cut it for me.

I've also added some new maxis match foundations, roof swatches, chimney as well as a new RH painting and some other little bonus items. 

Note: I've found SimFileShare to be slow today, so if you're having issues downloading try back later.


Download (Fixed)


RH Canvas
Set in Stone Pedestal
Maxis Match Chimneys
Maxis Match GT Dormer
Maxis Match Foundations
Timberline Shingles (Roofs)
Maxis Match GT Awning



Unless you are reallllly patient, I suggest trying tomorrow or Monday because SFS is getting hammered due to Simblreen :\ For me, your CC is worth the wait, so I braved the SFS traffic jam to download these goodies! Thank you so much for all of your beautiful work! <3


Oh, these are perfect! Thank you so much 🥰 Happy Simblreen 🎃


Thanks!!! Love you forever for the foundations, alone!