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Nearly a year ago I gave birth to my first child, a little boy. Needless to say it's been one incredible and crazy year. I've been so appreciative of your support and it's been so nice to be able to keep up with my Sims hobby (even though I haven't had the time to do as much as I wanted). 

Now that the dust is settling on my first year as a mom I want to recognise my longest running supporters; those who've been with me for a year or more. Going forward as I release new CC, I'll be recognising my 1 Year+ supporters in the item description (so it will show up in-game) and I'll also be giving a shout out to them in the download post. This is just a small way to express my gratitude for your support and encouragement. 

When I first started my Patreon page in 2018 it was inconceivable to me that people would stay with me for a year or more! Patreon has recently added an option where supporters can sign up for a year at a time if they wish (rather than paying monthly). I've enabled this option and added a 15% discount for those who wish to go this route. 

Whether you're here for a month or a year I'm humbled by your support and hope that my CC enhances your game :) Thank you...




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