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Six stunning, subdued rugs by Loloi. 

Happy New Year!




I became a Patron just so I could say thank you for your rugs. The game has a major shortage of rugs (and they ruined several by making them draggable... I don't deal well with draggable things lol). I use so many of yours now to help decorate my homes and apartments!


Aww that is so lovely to hear! I'll keep making them. A bunch of my rugs are free though you know! Send me a direct message if you ever have questions, ideas or need help in any way. Thanks for your support! 🥰


Oh, yes I know! I just really wanted to show you some support as a way to say thanks for making my game better. 🥰 And I would love plain round rugs! I used to use that little round rug from EA all the time but they made it draggable with DU and I hate that because I'm too much of a klutz to manage them. 😂 I wind up dragging stuff into walls or places and never see it again (or not until it's blocking my sims from doing something).