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Some good Rick and Lisa relationship building!

Also, I am actively working to advance our Robotech library. I hope to have several episodes up over the next two weeks.




When you finish the First War, there is a Film called "Robotech II the Sentinels" that goes in between the first and second Robotech war you need to watch. It explains a whole lot.


Minme catches a ton of shit, but she has one song that is what the kids would call a Banger in We will win.


Just to confirm, Robotech II the Sentinels takes place after Episode 36 To the Stars. Before 37 Dana's Story. It's called Robotech II because there was another Robotech The Movie. Unfortunately producers got a hold of it at Cannon and outside the control Harmony Gold and Carl Macek (The guy who made Robotech) They edited it in a way that no longer made sense and no one counts it, even at release. Also the Sentinels was to be a 65 Episode series that spanned across the 2nd and 3rd Robotech wars like a B-side on different fronts with other characters and locations at the same time as the original series. Unfortunately some money issues and recession in Japan ruined it so it was retooled as film better connecting the 1st and 2nd Robotech Wars That said, the Sentinels was beloved. We didn't get the series but the original script was adapted in Comics, table top games, and most importantly adapted in a Novel series. It opened the door to telling the Robotech wars from anyone else's point of view. Kinda like The Star Wars EU.