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WOW! Amazing episode!




Just a quick note... you mistitled the post. Ok. Past that this episode is mind blowing. The best space battle I had ever seen animated. The stakes were massive and the big twist .. was insane for a kids show in 1985. Also love We Will Win.

Warp Reactor

Thank you for the heads-up, my friend! Working on my laptop while traveling and must have missed the title screw up :)


As kid I was in shock when the little girl gets nuked. Also, this was just the First Robotech War. There is two more Robotech Wars spanning another 33 more years. Protoculture is a depleting Fuel Source somewhere between Helium 3 Cold Fusion and the Spice from Dune. Each race can use it different ways but as a fuel source is generally the most common. The Zentrati needed the Protocullture Reactor off the SDF-1 because the others ones were depleted. That's why they never could afford to destroy the ship, they were running out of fuel.

Warp Reactor

Nice! That's what I figured about the protoculture. Thank you for the information, my friend!

Chris Huston

To this day, no matter how many times I’ve seen it, I still get happy tears when Rick and Lisa reunite. Dumb story time: we had a local TV station in 1986 that decided to air Robotech, but only once a week on Saturdays. This was the episode they started with lol. If I’m not mistaken the next week was a Southern Cross/Masters episode. Yeah, they didn’t air many episodes after that.