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Shit is about to get weird!



Jason Dokos

Who is Jet Sam and why does Sam Jet?


What a day. New Expanse reaction and Space Marine 2 all at once. I'm a happy camper today. Can't wait to watch this later on!

T. Arnold Ferguson

As you noticed, Arjjun was recast. Beian George, the original actor, got another job during the few weeks the show was under cancellation, and was no longer available. Just. ahout everyone e;se was able to return.

Joel Quinn

Glad you like it so far. I also liked it, because, as you said, it expanded the universe and I'm also someone who like that kind of things very much. It helps to build everything else and even makes scenes more impactful because they do not happen in a vacuum. Its different for what the expanse is for mos tof the people but if you are in for the world building and stories - its just another one of those.

Chad K

I don't know how true it is but I'm assuming while the structures on this planet were 'active' before the Builders got wiped out, it kept any organisms from developing such as those roots/trees. Otherwise they would have just mucked with things. So I assume they were constantly being kept purged or in check somehow. But once the place went inert/died then the organisms were free to evolve and grow and create the biome we see today.


For your question about the last three books being adapted: There are rumours but nothing confirmed as of yet. But there might be hope! Speaking of the books, now is as good a time as any to say (something somewhat controversial if we were on Reddit): After finishing the show you could jump right into book 7 without missing much. Most of the characters are in the same place at the end of the show as they are at the beginning of book 7. A lot of people will hammer down that you should start with book 1. I'm just here to tell you that it's very much ok to surf on the excitement of the last episode right into book7. Should you read it all at some point? Of f*cking course! But it's really not necessary to enjoy the last trilogy so don't feel pressured to start all over and having to wait to read all the first books before finally getting your answers ;) Now, as for this episode, I just love of things are building up! Like you said, the lightning strikes at the end feels so overwhelming like we small humans can't control shit. We're in way over our head with these structures and ancient machines. They're like true forces of nature. I love this shit! Also don't miss on what's happening in the Sol system (and Medina)! It may not seem like it, but everything is important and has its place. See you next time beratna!

Varun Laks

Just a quick note about the Ring Space, there is no longer a speed limit. It's not a slow-zone anymore. The Ring Station removed the speed limit defense when all the ships shut down and it no longer perceived the ships as a threat. The show doesn't state it specifically, but it infers it. Remember if the speed limit was still active, the ships wouldn't have had enough provisions to make the journey back. They were able to escape only because the speed limit was removed. That's also why we see the Belter Refugee ships speeding through at the start of the first episode of Season 4.

Varun Laks

As far as your question about the final three books goes, a little background on the production of the show is required. The Expanse IP is not owned by the SYFY Network or Amazon. The IP is owned by the production company Alcon Studios (the Studio behind Blade Runner 2049 among others). Alcon Studios is responsible for half of the show's budget and it offered the Distribution Rights to the IP in Exchange for the Network to put up the other half of the show's budget. So after SYFY cancelled the show, Alcon looked for a new Distributor and found Amazon.   According to Ty Franck, the working relationship between Amazon, Alcon and the Writers was fantastic (and a much better relationship than they had with SYFY). However, as far as Amazon is concerned, they finished the show and it got a definitive ending with Season 6. And the ending truly is satisfying and you should not be wary of getting to the end and feel like you're going to have a Game of Thrones situation or anything like that. The show was NOT cancelled. It is not waiting to get renewed. If it comes back, it will effectively be as a revival and as a new show (of course with the same cast and crew). The ball is currently in Amazon's court to make more Expanse because they still own the Distribution Rights. However, the CEO of Alcon Studios has already said that if Amazon chooses to not make more Expanse, then the rights will eventually revert back to Alcon. Alcon will then be free to find another distributor, if someone is interested. Alcon seems to be very proud of the Expanse show, and they've mentioned that in multiple interviews. The fact that Alcon continued the series in the form of an Expanse prequel video game (from Telltale) and a sequel Comic Book even after the show ended, is proof of that. I have no doubt that Alcon will make a genuine good-faith effort to find a new home for The Expanse, when the distribution rights revert back to them.  We just don't know how long Amazon's exclusivity over those rights is for. It was never announced and is entirely dependent on the contract. We have no way of knowing. The closest situation to this is the Daredevil tv rights between Netflix and Disney. There the rights window was two years, and once Netflix stopped making the Daredevil show, Disney regained the rights exactly two years later. The Expanse ended in January 2022, so it's been 2.5 years. Obviously Amazon still possesses the rights, so as of now we can just in a wait and see. 


Great catch on how we're seeing Miller's reactions and dialogues without Jim. I love Miller in all seasons he's part of and this one really furthers my love! He's my favorite character despite Amos becoming more and more of a favorite each time I rewatch! This show/world/story never gets old. Just started my second read of the books and am playing the Telltale game, too. They've ruined other stories for me!


Man did I miss the RPG chance? Oh well.

Etta Eskridge

Bobbie's story is part of a novella in The Expanse book series called Gods of Risk. I like how they weave in the novella stories into the TV series. I love this season and I particularly love Bobbie's story. Enjoy!!

Beat Conductor

If you piece together lines of dialogue we've heard from the protomolecule thus far in the series, it begins to make sense. "Can't stop the Work" "If can Use, Use, if can't Use, it Turns." "It reaches out, 113 times a second, and nothing answers, so it reaches out" I think the protomolecule is still trying to execute its last task, which is to signal the Builders that the Work (the Ring), is done. But since all it knows is how to do "the Work", aka build a Ring, and then report back, it doesn't know how to do other stuff. So it's just like proto-Miller says, "Just flipping switches and seeing what happens". No doubt some kind of intelligence. Hard to say if artificial or not though. We don't know enough about the protomolecule to say how it keeps track of its information. My guess is the reason it needs biological life to get started is that the jump from molecular knowledge/"coding" to full sentience aka mega-complex structures of purpose, like a Ring, takes an extremely long time and a lot of steps. With the longest hurdles being going from molecule to single celled life, and from single celled life to multi-cellular life. Mainly because there are so many insanely complex structures required to really get things moving. So if it takes over something that already jumped over that first big hurdle or two, it can carry on its objective in a relatively short amount of time. Basically a really advanced molecular Von Neumann probe that had a set of simple instructions, no limiting parameters, and constructed with such an understanding of physics that it can warp space-time to achieve its goals.

Beat Conductor

I would assume it was more like when this planet was active there was too much energy for anything to live besides the Builders. Then after the Builders got wiped out and their tech went dormant, life had a chance to start again.


Yeah, it was a real shame. Brian George was amazing as the original Arjun. No shade on the replacement actor, but it was a bit jarring for me.


So, the TTRPG campaign will be an Expanse-style West Marches? That would be awesome. :)

Deana DeWall

I'm one of those "a lot of people". The books imo are completely different from the show, and the characters are obviously not in the same place, considering there's a very big time jump between books 6 and 7. I've heard from more people who regretted not reading the other books beforehand, than those who didn't and never plan to read them. But, it's up to Warp to decide which way to go...

Warp Reactor

Thank you for the info, my friend! I'm planning to read all the books in order (basically to prolong my time in the Expanse-Verse), going to listen to Ty and That Guy and play the Telltale game. Coupled with the TTRPG, I'm planning to stay for quite some time :)


You absolutely should read them 1-9, then the book of novellas (Memory's Legion). 7/8/9 are my favorites of the entire series.


Murtry is such a fucking asshole. RCE might not have the moral authority, but they have Sol legal authority which is God in this setting. This season (especially in the book, Cibola Burn) has some of the most hardcore classism in Murtry's people VS the Belters. It's very much us vs them. I'm definitely going to pick up a physical copy of the corebook for the rpg.


FYI the publisher of the TTRPG has announced a Kickstarter for the second edition of the core rulebook, which while being backwards compatible with the first release adds a whole bunch of new stuff: https://greenronin.com/blog/2024/07/16/the-expanse-rpg-the-transport-union-edition/


Have you recognized Amos' new "friend" yet..? As, perhaps, the girlfriend involved in the inciting incident of another series you've watched..? 🙃 (Big up for that Cdn casting 👌)


Oh yeah, if you've already picked up some books I might caution reading too much through it, as they might contain show spoilers... 😬

Warp Reactor

Holy smokes is she Robin from The Boys?!? (checks notes) She IS Robin from The Boys! Awesome catch, my friend, completely missed her!