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Places, everyone! Places!



Robert Jazo

"We build our own prisons. Bars forged of oaths, codes, and commitments. Walls of self-doubt and accepted limitation. We inhabit these cells, these identities, and call them "us"." Being Jinx is a prison of expectation. Cait saw a supervillain. Sevika wanted a revolutionary. The undercity hoped for a savior. Jinx never truly embraced any of these identities because she thinks she knows who she is: The one who kills everyone who gets close to her, whether she is pulling the pin or not. Isha's death confirmed this for her. That is why she leaves Vi in the cell after Vi confirms she will never give up on her. In Jinx's mind staying with Vi will just sign Vi's death warrant. Jinx is still trapped in her "walls of self-doubt and accepted limitation", and unfortunately this causes her to leave after an exchange that sounds like a suicide note: "You don't have to worry about me anymore. You don't need to feel guilty about being happy. You deserve to be with her." "Wait!" "There's no good version of me." "What are you going to do?" "Break the cycle."