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Sam might be a magician :)




This had the same vibes as from X-Files 'Monster of the Week'.


An interesting thing about memory, there was a trauma I experienced as a child. The thing is when I finally talked about it with my mother, it actually wasn't as traumatic as I thought. I finally figured out that I had spliced an actual traumatic event into a fairly innocuous one without knowing it. Oh, I just caught myself before I was going to tell you something that was probably going to be a spoiler so disaster averted. Sorry about that but in the end I actually didn't tell you anything, lol.

Warp Reactor

Thank you for the catching the spoiler, my friend! In the future if something does inadvertently 'get through', I will never be upset about it. Talking about a great show is the fun part for me and you all are just the damn best :)


You knew Olivia was a prosecutor. That was the source of ire between her and that guy from season 1 who was auditing Fringe Division who you hated 😆 the guy who ended up getting blown up. His damn name is eluding me! And her prosecuting that dude Broyles knew that he was all salty about in the first episode.


The Observer was walking down the stairs at the clinic looking up at Olivia talking to the doctor (right before Sam called)