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This one got me...bad.

To quote The Holiday,

'I'm a major weeper'



Joel Quinn

I think it is one of those extreme cases of: "If you had asked me yesterday..." M'Bengas daughter was pretty much dead and his/her time was running out. If you had asked him at this point if he would trade this grim situation with the possibility that his daughter could transcend, he would have traded it instantly. I think we underestimate that he was preparing himself for saying goodbye to her and got presented with this alternative instead. You probably do not weigh the possible or even real negatives too much in this situation. Sure, they contemplated her going back in the buffer, but they already went down this road and failed. I compare this to a religious person believing in heaven, kind of life after death. In the sense that this is a good way to comprehend and deal with death. With her coming back all grown up, they took most negatives out though for the viewers, understandable, but not necessary for me. I'm not sure how to talk about certain things here. I hesitate to call someone a character I favour or not because it often implies, on some, let's call it safety. Though Star Trek kind of shows are different. People dying for story reasons is pretty rare - we have red shirts for that kind of fate. How is your opinion on this? Is it ok to state if a character is great? I mean, you saw glimpses of S2 already; probably not even a real question in this particular context. But in general, just for the future.

Warp Reactor

Absolutely feel free to share each and every one of your opinions, my friend! Would love to hear about your favorite characters. I'm almost through Season 1 and while I've seen several Season 2 episodes I honestly can't remember a lot about them (other than the big story beats). Its not that I wasn't a fan either its just that I didn't really have any context other than Pike from Discovery Season 2. Finally, I love your comparison of the transcendence to Heaven. Its such a perfect parallel. Great stuff, my friend, thank you so much for sharing!