Improvised Pool Inflatable (Alt Layout) (Patreon)
Here is the two pages per image version.
Hikari and Julie are relaxing by the pool when Hikari decides to get out her new inflatable pool toy to float around on the pool while Julie takes a nap. To her horror, Hikari discovers that she forgot to bring her brand new inflatable to the pool. However, she finds an interesting way to solve her lack of inflatable problem with the help of Julie (Who seems to be a very heavy sleeper). Julie unwittingly accepts Hikari's request to use her as a "temporary" pool inflatable.
Hikari then proceeds to pump her full of air, like a balloon, (with the air pump she did manage to remember to bring) untill she is sufficiently inflated. Julie then wakes from her slumber to find she is now Hikari's brand new inflatable pool toy, all puffed up with air.
The two then head for the pool for some fun!