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Hi all,

Sorry for the quiet period of content uploads. 

I was away from my PC on a business trip for a week, and when I got back I noticed there were some texture issues with the environment in the balloon pump comic scene I've been working on, so I've been trying to fix that. Worst case is that the environment might look a bit different, but I think the main focus is the characters being inflated, so hopfully that wont be too noiticable. Hopefully I will be able to get the next balloon pump comic page ready for upload soon.

The other update is that I have been looking into some additional software that might help with content diversity and speed up the creative process. The software would help me create my own character models and possibly help with the animation process (because I really want to do more animations, but they are really time consuming). I'm currently trialling the software and getting used to how it works. If it goes well I will purchase it for creating future content. The prospect of being able to make my own characters and make animations a little easier, is quite exiting for me. 

So, to summerise, I apologise for the recent lack of uploads, (but I should have some content ready soon) and I'm looking into some software that would help with the character creation and animation process.