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I hope you have all been keeping well.

Sorry it's been a little quiet with content recently. I have unexpectedly had to take on additional work hours at my other job (Temporarily), so I've been a bit drained of energy recently. 

I am still working on content, but it's going slower than normal. I should have the next balloon pump comic page ready to post by the end of this weekend. I will try and make up for the quiet period with some additional one off renders here and there. 

I have been looking into additional software to complement the Blender program that I use for my renders. This additional software is mainly focusing on character creation and animation, so I'm hoping to soon be able to create my own characters to inflate and hopefully make the animation process a bit more streamlined. I have been using the trial version of the software to test it out and been quite impressed with it. I'm now saving up to buy the software next month.

Just some additional thoughts on future content. I was thinking about all the different adverts and other media from all over the world that have had body inflation in them over the years, and I was thinking it would be fun to try and recreate some of them. I will do a post about this at some point to elaborate. 

As always, thank you so much for your support and patients. I will try and have some new content uploaded soon. 


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