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Here is page 1 of the 'Aerith Gets A Top-Up' comic sequence focusing on Aerith getting pumped full of more helium. 

Jessie is being very helpful by makeing sure Aerith is as inflated as possible with helium and tops her up with the buoyant gas. 

The next two pages, (coming soon), will be a two-page spread showing Aerith's body puff up all over even more as she nears her limits. 

I hope you all like it and thank you for your support!




And bigger she goes! I wonder how much bigger she will get in the end.

Cambel Milton

Oooh, I like where this is going. I wonder if Cloud took balloon Tifa with him, so they could have so many fun, balloony times together.


Have you considered or will you ever do clean popping???