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Hi all,

Sorry I havn't posted for a bit. I'm currently sick and production of content has slowed a bit due to that. 

I have been working on the next page of the 'Jessie Helps Out' comic, but I have also been working on a seperate peice of work to celebrate reaching 1000 followers on Twitter! (Hopfully Twitter doesn't shut down with all the uncertainty around it at the moment.) 

So don't worry I am working on content, it's just going a bit slower at the moment with me being sick. I should hopfully have some content to upload soon.

Thank you for your support and patients!  



Dont worry about it. Health and real life comes always first. And there are no exceptions. Take as much time as you need to get better.


Take your time and as the saying goes, "Health comes first." Hopefully you release Part 5+ of the "Jessie Helps Out" comic sooner than later before the end of this month. I'm so excited with how you draw the spherically inflated Jessie and Yuffie.