Update 30/01/2023 (Patreon)
Hi all,
Sorry for the quiet period, but I've been pretty exhausted recently.
Over the last couple of months I have been buying 3D assets to use in future content, and I have managed to build a pretty nice collection of 3D assets to use in the software that I use. These 3D assets include characters, environments, clothing for characters, hair for characters, props, etc. With this I became overwhelmed with the number of ideas I wanted to make with all these new 3D tools, as well as a lot of learning new software. This combined with only being able to work on this content in a part-time capacity and in spare time, (As I am still working my main job as well as doing this.) meant I almost burnt-out and I wasn't getting enough sleep as I was working on content late in to the night.
So I think I will try to be managing my time a bit better going forward, focusing on one project at a time, rather then trying to work on too many ideas a once.
I do have some content that I will be uploading soon.
Again sorry for the quite period. I do have a load of 3D assets to work with now, it's just finding enought time to work on projects and finishing them (projects that can take a while to produce.)
I will be uploading some work-in-progress of the new character that will appear in the next page of the 'Jessie Helps Out' comic.
Sorry if this is a bit rambly, my brain is a bit frazzeled at the moment.
Anyway, I hope you are all well and thank you for your support!