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  • AnimationTest_SphereDeflate_010_Deflation_Final.mp4
  • AnimationTest_SphereDeflate_011_DeflationWithExtremeInflation_Final.mp4
  • AnimationTest_SphereDeflate_012_DeflationWithInflation_Final.mp4



Here are some animation tests I have been working on recently.

Using Blender to simulate my full sphereicaly inflated model I wanted to try and get the effect of the character going from fully inflated to deflating into a big pile on the ground not returning to their normal shape. I think I am getting fairly close to that desired effect with these test renders.

There are three renders here. One is just a deflation simulation, another is a deflation with a re-inflation and the other one is a deflation with a more extreme re-inflation.

Let me know what you think about these. I know it might not be everyones cup of tea, but I hope some of you might like these little animations.

Thank you for your support!

*I find posting videos on Patreon is not particuarly easy, so for now I am just uploading the video file as an attachment. I hope that works...*



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