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Three more characters from Tales Of The Unending Void, my next project after SL. The characters featured in this preview will not be present in the first episode of the game, but are major characters as the story progresses.

First up is Ziv an alien woman, whom Camran pick's up at a certain point. Together with her young human ward Raene, they make an odd couple.

Raene is the shy protégé of Ziv. At a certain point, they book passage on Camran's ship, allowing you to unravel their secrets.

Glixken is a mercenary who has had dealings with Thyia in the past, though it's safe to say the two aren't friends. Being a vindictive asshole, Glixken is bound to cause a lot of trouble for Camran and his crew.



Marty McLean

You're killing me Smalls!


Is Raene ... umm how do I put this delicately... "gender-fluid" ?