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At the beginning of the week I finished up the remaining renders for both extra scenes. I also chugged through the remaining animations which Alorth delivered. As the latter part of development consists mostly of waiting on the remaining renders to finish, I started picking out the new music tracks for the release and fitting them into the various scenes. This is also the first time I test a new episode, so there was a good amount of bug fixing involved as well. As I write this, a version of the episode is being uploaded, ready for my beta testers to trounce all over.

I also had a bit of free time and used it to convert some familiar characters to the latest generation of models. I've used DAZ3D from the very beginning and all the models in SL used Genesis 3. With Tales From The Unending Void I switched fully to Genesis 8, the latest base model. As I've said before, I'm still thinking of doing short story DLC for SL at some point in the future, so keeping the girls up-to-date seemed like a good idea. They also agreed to pose for you all. And on that note I bid you a good weekend!

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will these version be added to game


It depends. If I'm going to develop DLC in the future I'll use these models.


PLEASE DO MORE SL and add a soundtrack


i agree maybe even add days 40-138 that would be cool