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Kiyoshi Nariko notified me that I forgot to post one wallpaper in my earlier wallpaper post. So I've updated the images and I'm reposting Aven here as well.

Right, so this might become repetitive, but I've mostly written a lot this week. The episode now has a head and a tail, but there are two scenes with major characters that I still need to write. Both will also contain sex scenes. I also created a lot more renders, but the end of the list still isn't in sight.

I'm also happy to announce that someone is translating the game in Portuguese. Grubb has been working his ass off so far, so the next release will probably contain the translation up to Episode 6.

I'm still struggling with the Android update of SL. Ren'Py flat out refuses to build Android packages without any error output. I might need to ask some assistance in that area.



Richard salas

Ok thank you it’s the first of every month regardless of when you joined so it’s better to join on the first of a month