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The next release of Tales From The Unending Void. Apart from the new story portion, only small fixes to the game this time.

Alorth has made some animated hot stuff for this episode, including a couple of glowing eggs... Grubb worked his ass off and finished the Portuguese translation of Episode 7 in time for release, so you can play the entire game in that language.

Thyia and Céline feature in the extra scenes, getting fingerbanged and testing out a chair respectively. Those scenes are available for the €15+ patrons.

A big thanks to Alorth, HoboCop86, Phil, Razielprince, Fhilb, marcurion and Grubb for testing and proofreading. I'd like to thank Grubb (Portuguese), MyPrettyWolfy  (Russian), FreeMan (Polish), Frank Rosario (Italian) and GrafOdin (German) for their ongoing translation efforts as well.

Download for Windows/Linux (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Mac (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Android (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Android (Compressed) (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)

Known Issues

Error about portrait images starting from Episode 2

The optional portrait images were introduced in v0.6 and I made some changes in v0.7. Of course this caused a regression and you'll get some errors when starting a new game and the first generic portrait image is shown (just after landing on Vulpes Velox). The workaround here is to disable the portrait images temporarily in the preferences. The error will crop up occasionally until you reach Episode 7.

Choices are invisible on Android phones while searching Cetruvar's office

This one only affects smaller screens on mobile phones. There should be six choices when searching Cetruvar's room, but due to the limited screen real estate, some options fall off. I'll fix this in the next update. A temporary solution is to disable the portrait images in the preferences and zoom out while in the game, this should make the other options visible.


- Add Episode 7
- Add Brazilian/Portuguese translation up to Episode 7 (thanks to Grubb)
- Fix spelling and grammar (thanks to Grubb, Spencer Wharton and MyPrettyWolfy)
- Fix generic dialogue portraits (side images) (thanks to the66)
- Disable save game naming on mobile phones (thanks to SolMark1)
- Remove pregnancy marker for Raene on relationships screen
- Add some extra codex entries
- ep006: Remove mention of door attributes (thanks to Electric)
- ep006: Increase number of storage pods (thanks to TheHunter)
- ep006: Fix wording regarding Lilly (thanks to boxedjack)
- ep006: Fix Thim speaking (thanks to myuhinny)


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