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The first week after the release of Episode 7 I've mainly used to create the various locations and background characters that'll be used in the eighth installment. The last storyline preview already showed a couple of the backdrops that will be featured.

I expect Episode 8 and 9 to be mostly confined to one planet, a bit like Barranthis in Episode 5, but more centered on one location, a mountainside castle overlooking a vast jungle.

The story will focus a lot on developing the (romantic) relationships with the characters, so quite a lot of them will probably be moving forward. I've been writing quite a lot of dialogue the past few days. Because of the size of the cast and what needs to happen on Erigone I think I need two episodes to deal with everything. So if a certain character doesn't get the spotlight in Episode 8, she might feature more heavily in 9.





So ready for next episodes.