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I'm cutting it awfully close this time, unfortunately. Just finished up postwork for the majority of the images in Episode 10 and I'm rendering the last batch of images (for the extra scenes). Couldn't get as much work done this week, because DAZ decided it didn't like my scene files anymore and refused to load them. I think I've got the problem sorted now.

At the moment, there are over 500 renders in this episode, three extra scenes and Alorth created over 25 animations. Still need to do some patch renders, add the music to the game and test everything before the build goes to the testers.

There's not a lot remaining of August, but I do hope to release Episode 10 before the 31st. If I can't meet that deadline for some reason, anyone with an active pledge at the relevant tiers in August will receive a private message via Patreon with the download links for the new episode.


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