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Episode 10 went over quite well with you all, I think. No major bugs have been reported, so that's nice considering the very compressed testing and bug fixing phase this release cycle. I hope the development of v0.11 will be a little smoother.

I'm at work on Episode 11 and have a lot of the story already in place, as I wrote much of it during my holiday. The new PC I alluded to in an earlier update is also officially in use now and it's a beast. It's also the first PC I've ever built, using a custom water loop. No leaks so far and everything is nice and quiet (and cool).

As for the focus characters in the upcoming episode, so far it's Lilly, Thyia and Eva, but the roster might be expanded. More news later on!


Bgile Munro

So those of us who are only supporters cannot download version 10, but the general public can play it online? Just to clarify.


I'm not sure I understand, but Episode 10 is available for the Fan tier and up. The general public release will be at the end of this month.

Bgile Munro

Is there any "best" place to find games like this one? porngames.hub has a lot of them, but I stumbled on it and don't know of others.