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Last update before the holidays. Past couple of weeks have been rather dreadful for me as I finally contracted Covid... The whole thing felt like a massive hangover (plus coughing and other unpleasantness) without the pleasure of consuming large quantities of alcohol beforehand.

Luckily I had all the writing done for the next episode beforehand and despite all the misery I still managed to put a nice dent into the list of renders. I'm going to finish those up shortly and then it's a matter of putting together the animations. Alorth is busy with a new release of his own game, so hopefully he'll be able to start working on the animations at the start of the new year.

I've scheduled some special Christmas renders for the coming days (both public and patrons only), hope you'll enjoy them! I'll probably emerge somewhere after Christmas with another preview of Episode 12 and whatever news available.



You survived flesh eating bacteria in your leg, covid got nothing on you


Hope your covid experience goes better than mine did. That fucking cough hung around for almost 2 months. I was so tired of my chest hurting from coughing. It was a huge relief when it finally eased off and went away. =/