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You guys are right about Soshi doing a lot but the contents were not shown/broadcasted on the show. It's because other contents they filmed for their own channels were posted on the OnStyle website. For example, Seohyun actually filmed a content where she did another disguise in public. That time she dressed as a high school student. It was more intense than the one shown on the show. Here's the link if you want to see it: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x367b08 There are other contents (not shown on the show) that can still be found on Youtube. I saw some of them here: - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXVvWBWMrAyrhfZxYpkrV-BdiXYRxn2RW (Unfortunately, no english sub from this playlist)


Soshi are busyyyy busyyyy during Channel Soshi😅


ik i commented last week about suggestions but i figured that i would leave the names/episodes here: - 2007 girls go to school (predebut/debut era) - 2009 intimate note episode (very easy to find on google + you 100% need to watch) - 2009 hello baby (22 episodes, long) - 2011 running man episodes 63&64 - 2014 the taetiseo (tts sub unit) - 2015 channel soshi - 2015 running man episode 254 - 2015 weekly idol episodes 212&213 - 2017 running man episode 363 - 2017 knowing bros episodes 88&89 - 2018 girls for rest (oh!gg sub unit, very cute) - 2020 yuri's cooking show (youtube) - 2022 snsd x game caterers (youtube) - 2022 amazing saturday episode 224 (soshi guest on taeyeon's variety show) - 2022 soshi tam tam

low jl

Agreed that intimate note is a must to watch. Only 1 episode but it is really funny throughout the whole😂


I loveeee intimate note but I don't think they know the girls well enough to handle all of the savage/roasting at this moment in time and it should be saved for the future. Great list tho


Last time I suggested something before 2018, but maybe something from the early days would be better. I realized we really haven't seen Jessica in most of the soshi content, even in the All Things streams


I say the WinWin show is what they should watch next since it has both depth and humor in that show. https://legendarysnsd.wordpress.com/2021/04/18/04-20-2010-winwin-snsd-ep-11-eng-sub-full/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1Ovc3cBoDEI3d5Re-ojUDeWUUsFqqGWliMNhq-t06Zc-NnGwNsrbfYIxs_aem_AQxNQtrk3vFYvEZlsUBAX1VrSy8YFA4s3VDzVC1QM0ia5j3gvmYZTC4GFsvk3iT3UdZMu_qfWCTUyvRIlQjmeECF


2011 running man episodes 63&64 show the girls (six members) in their absolute funniest. If you want to see a fully engaged happy Taeyeon these are the episodes to watch. This was recorded before Taeyeon retreated into being a house fairy. I remember someone online cut these episodes into 1/2 hour parts. English subs too. This would be great Patreon content. The 20 minute opening to ep. 63 is legendary.


2011 running man episodes 63 opening segment is here: https://youtu.be/gaQPemWEhBE make sure subs are on. Not sure if other parts of #63 are available in this quality. This is my favorite part of SNSD on Running Man. The members in these 2 episodes are Taeyeon, Jessica, Yoona, Yuri, Seobaby & Hyo.


When it comes to Tiffany’s birthday, SNSD always celebrate it because Tiffany mom passed away before she came to Korea to sing! They celebrate Tiffany for her mother! SNSD banned saying the word “mom/mother” in their dorm because Yoona’s mom left her and and Tiffany’s mother passed away.