Update on Hyori's Bed and Breakfast Ep. 2 (Patreon)
Unfortunately, yesterday while filming Hyori's Bed and Breakfast our power went out, shutting down our computers and with that our filming equipment. When the computers rebooted we realized that the file was corrupt and we had lost our recording of the episode. We were sadly a very decent way into the reaction. We are very sorry this happened (both for y'all and for us). Texas has some really weird power issues and there is only so much we can do but we hope this never happens again.
We did post our reaction to the end portion of the episode and we tried our best to summarize some of our thoughts on the beginning of the episode.
For anyone watching this for the first time with us you might want to watch on your own up until where we start. And for everyone who has already seen it and wanted to see our reactions, sorry once again. :(