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WAIT: There's a GREAT moment that I guess was cut from this where JiU plays that guessing game and says something like "I've talked about a member behind their back when I was mad at them", then she predicts no one will stand and is right. Then they have a nice moment where they talk about having a policy of never doing that to each other and approaching each other directly 😊 amazing leader. Amazing group of women! Was waiting for that lol such a great moment.

SAddicted97 _

Dreamcatcher note world tour ensemble 💖


Yeah, that scene (and more of that game) is in the Behind The Scenes video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlKyMoYUIKU


Wow! The "physical touch" question, too? Okay so this is where I saw all of this - it was this bonus content not episode. Hopefully K&H see this and check it out off cam 👍🏾 thanks for the link!