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Hello everyone, Thendy is currently out of town without internet so I, Ventura aka his husband, have been given permission to post and write about this page on his behalf!

This version of the comic wasn't something he was proud of. Not for the story or ideas, rather the execution. After weeks of fiddling with the 4 pages he had fully "finished" we came to the realization that this wasn't HIS art style. He was extremely nervous of the reception and played everything safe, hence why in the actual comic most of the poses are 2x as dynamic and the character's look more like how he'd actually draw them. It took messaging some artists who he looked up to for advice with dealing with this mental nerfing of his art abilities & fear of failure. Thankfully everyone who responded was extremely kind and helpful, especially Meesh.

After finding himself again, and beginning to post art that he was proud of, we sat back down to work on the comic and decided to scrap everything and start from the sketch phase. We wanted to show you what could've been if he decided to just play it safe, and give proof to any artists that doing what YOU want with your art is always the right move. Find the confidence and believe in your abilities, it'll make a world of difference.



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