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I actually did it.



Tyler Griffiths

Said be the first so I AM THE FIRST

Typhon Mar

In before we "predict" a toy accurate masterpiece Skids

Miyo Mii

I have the Burnout and Crankcase versions of this. Both modes look great but I don't have much fun transforming them. Feel like I'm crushing them with my big fat mits

lead sharp

I adored Skids since THAT story and the subsequent time displacement with my favourite Decepticon. Even weirder is a recent love of Thunder Clash and a genuine need for a good toy of him...your little call out at the end really gives me hope :)


"Skidizi Rizzler" Unsubbed, blocked and reported. (/s, great work as always)

Mellow Gaming

Highly recommend masterpiece Reboost. When they both released at the same time I went with Reboost for the extras but you're not wrong about the arms on Skids looking the wrong shade. Whenever they do that on a toy it makes me think they're wearing a vest with their untanned arms out.

Tom S

Someone at Hasbro is probably putting Thunderclash at the top of the team's to-do-list as we speak