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Looking forward to tripleS Aria!



Sorry i pressed enter to make a new line but it posted my comment prematurely so i deleted it. Hope you feel better soon. To give you some news about NXT: 2023.12.21 S17 Photo Reveal 2023.12.22 S18 Photo Reveal 2023.12.23 tripleS NXT Digital Single Release, S19 Photo Reveal 2023.12.24 S20 Photo Reveal 2023.12.25 tripleS NXT Photo Reveal 2023.12.26 S17 Teaser Video 2023.12.27 S18 Teaser Video 2023.12.28 S19 Teaser Video 2023.12.29 S20 Teaser Video 2023.12.30 tripleS NXT Performance Video 2023.12.31 tripleS NXT YoutTube Live Not sure when Aria releases. I think the big change on their channel is that they don't do signals every day and it's not filmed edited and uploaded same day but basically same week. Though we still get a video on their channel every day and they have been very fast with English subs lately. Also not unlikely they cut down on signals for a bit when they do other things. They have a lot going on like Aria, the variety show, the new NXT members. I was a bit worried they be doing less and less but feels like they are doing more.


Oh, so that's what the Dec 21 date meant. I thought it would be an actual video right away. Oh well, I'm not opposed to waiting a little while longer. Thanks for the well wishes too! I guess its small mercies that I got sick during vacation so it doesn't affect my work. Hopefully I will be fully recovered by Saturday so I'm just taking it easy for now. Oddly enough, recording the light hearted content for Patreon helps a bit, since it helps relieve my stress and it keeps me from falling asleep during the daytime, which I've found does not agree at all with my pineal gland.