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So squirrels kinda go into heaaaat......so get ready for unhinged sloppy toppy



It do be like that

The big nut is pleased 🧎‍♂️‍➡️


Human girls going into heat is peak smuttery

Dragon Prince

I like how this is viewed like a documentary lol


The expression in that last panel is so peak

Dr Libro

Reject headband, embrace animal ears


Tippy toe says:


Her teeth is cute and i love this comic already

DJ Johnson

So how many pages this comic gonna have? Ahh sounds like breeding sex.


Headcannon. That's spidey lol


Squirrel Girl in heat! Yes! This is going to be even better than I thought!

Argo The Ratfolk

Ah so this is how she gets her team up power with Spiderman~ <3

Rando Cal

get that nut girl

kilter nazkre

I see we are also doing it national geografic style


Ok it will be my fav comics!

Roscoe Smith

I really hope you make more Rivals content. Maybe even stuff with Venom or Psylock (or both).

CJ Arndorfer

Anyone else picturing David Attenbourgoh doing the narrations?



David Burrola

She absolutely looks better with the squirrel ears being her ears. Especially as she's gobbling down hard there.

Scott Woodward

There was a long running gag at Marvel, starting way back when Squirrel Girl defeated Dr. Doom with a swarm of her namesakes, to casually have big baddies of the Marvel Universe like Thanos and Galactus defeated by her, sometimes entirely off panel. She is essentially a invincible opponent who can defeat any challenger. I'll let you come up with your own sex joke related to this fact.