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Sweet innocent QT, she has much to learn.

This was definitely the closest vote yet! Naomi and QT tied at 8 votes each, narrowly beating out Madison with 7. Meanwhile on the theme side of things St. Patrick's Day and BE tied each other with 10 votes a piece, with Yuri following in 3rd place 7 votes. The $75 tier holder chose Eris Xen, the cute brunette who has been making brief appearances (September and February's milestone comic, in addition to the Mew Years pic) to take on a more important role in this month's comic. She may be super adorable, but don't let your guard down! She has a devious and brilliant scientific mind.




Naomi keeps trying, but the inevitable will always occur.


QT seems super eager to agree before finding out what they have to do... rookie mistake lol


Naomi's is so tired of this shit.