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The only flaw in an otherwise foolproof plan!

This was definitely the closest vote yet! Naomi and QT tied at 8 votes each, narrowly beating out Madison with 7. Meanwhile on the theme side of things St. Patrick's Day and BE tied each other with 10 votes a piece, with Yuri following in 3rd place 7 votes. The $75 tier holder chose Eris Xen, the cute brunette who has been making brief appearances (September and February's milestone comic, in addition to the Mew Years pic) to take on a more important role in this month's comic. She may be super adorable, but don't let your guard down! She has a devious and brilliant scientific mind.




What would happen if it jumped from 20x to 22x?


A very specific weakness... ah well least we know it'll be good for 100 times bigger :3


Except the top has to grow to 21x before it can grow to 22+ times. :3